Wuthering Waves Review

Calcharo wuthering waves man with long white hair

Game: Wuthering Waves

Developer: Kuro Games

Genre: Action RPG, Gacha, Hack-and-Slash, Open-World

GNL Rates It: 8/10

Wuthering Waves was released on May 23, 2024, and it’s already making a splash. You may have seen ads across social media platforms for the free-to-play, live-service, mobile, and PC gacha game from Chinese developer Guangzhou Kuro Technology Co., Ltd aka Kuro Games. Because Genshin Impact has been the king of the gacha domain since 2020, comparisons are already being made between the games. I have played very little Genshin because I’m just not into gacha games. So, this review will be based solely on my experience playing this game.

Wuthering Waves or 鸣潮 Míngcháo is a mobile game with a lightweight PC emulator, but the gameplay doesn’t feel like an emulator the way other mobile-to-PC games do.


Solaris-3, the third planet from the sun, encountered a destructive event called the Lament. You awaken on Solaris-3 with no memory of your past life. You encounter these super friendly, and extremely talkative ladies, Chixia, Yangyang, and shortly after, Baizhi. After defeating a few mobs, the trio realizes that your character is a Resonator, like them, but more powerful, and they need to bring you back to Jinzhou, the happiest post-apocalyptic city in gaming ever. Outside of Jinzhou, you will navigate a world filled with remnants of past civilizations and battle formidable foes to uncover the truth behind the apocalypse and restore order.

The narrative is beautiful, and the story is rich and endearing. You uncover more of the story throughout your journey, encountering beautiful side characters with meaningful backstories. However, I found much of the dialogue extremely verbose. Much of the dialogue could be conducted while moving or completing a task instead of sitting there waiting, clicking, forever. Honestly, I barely made it out of the beginning scene because it was so long and drawn out. Luckily, there is a Skip function. And I’m glad I made it through because the story is very interesting.


The world has been devastated by cataclysmic events, leading to the emergence of malevolent entities. Humanity's last hope lies in Resonators, individuals who have the unique ability to harness powerful energies. Players take on the role of a newly awakened Resonator, Rover.

In Wuthering Waves, players control characters known as Resonators. Resonators possess unique abilities and characteristics. As of May 29, 2024, there are 17 playable Resonators. They are distinguished by their skills and the types of energies they harness, which are central to their roles in both combat and the game's narrative. The energies they harness are essentially the basic elements, Fire, Water, Wind, Air, and Earth, but a bit more complex than that.


An “Echo" in Wuthering Waves is a form of upgrade for Resonators. Echoes are essentially fragments of memories or experiences that enhance a Resonator's abilities, making them stronger and more versatile. Tacet Discords are a dangerous, enemy anomaly that may contain an echo. Obtaining Echoes is a significant aspect of character progression. You can acquire Echoes in a few ways, including killing TDs, completing quests, participating in events, and using the gacha system. The gacha system allows players to spend in-game currency or real money to obtain random rewards, including Resonators, Echoes, and other valuable items.

When equipping your Echoes to your Resonator, it’s good practice to equip Echoes that have the same energy as that Resonator to unlock additional Echo skills and Sonata Effect.


Pick three Resonators to be on your team to control. Each Resonator deals damage using one of six energy specialties:

  • Spectro = Light energy

  • Havoc = Dark energy

  • Glacial = Ice energy

  • Electro = Lightning energy

  • Fusion = Fire energy

  • Aero = Wind energy

You can change up your team at any time outside of combat to use the best energies to defeat a TD. Some TDs are resistant to a specific type of energy. For example, Tempest Mephis deals Electro damage and therefore has a high RES to Electro damage. You want to choose any Resonators that do not deal Electro damage.

You will use Intro and Outro skills when engaging in combat with your team. An Intro is the skill used by the Resonator you are switching to while engaged in combat. The Outro is the skill used by the Resonator leaving combat. It makes for seamless, smooth, and exciting combat animation.

At Union Level 22, players can unlock co-op mode and join friends to complete challenging dungeons and world bosses. It helps to have a Resonator on your team who heals with their combat abilities, like Baizhi and Verina, who are the only two healers in Wuthering Waves right now.

Baizhi uses Rejuvenating Flow to heal and decrease incoming damage to team members who activate an Outro, her Emergency Plan Resonance Skill calls her pet You’tan to attack the target, dealing Glacio damage and healing the entire team. Her Resonance Liberation also heals the entire team. Verina’s REsonance Liberation is Aboreal Flourish, which nourishes nearby foliage quickly, dealing Spectro DMG while restoring HP to all characters on the team. Her mid-air attack, Starflower Bloom also heals all nearby team members. Some Echoes, like the Cruisewing, also heal the Resonator.

World Exploration and Travel

Wuthering Waves encourages exploration of its expansive, open world. You can traverse diverse environments, from desolate wastelands to lush forests, each with its own set of challenges and mysteries to unravel. Like most RPGs, you can’t forget to explore every nook and cranny, because what awaits is usually hidden treasures, lore fragments, and powerful foes that provide valuable rewards upon defeating an enemy. There are abandoned, dilapidated buildings and homes throughout that warrant discovery as well. While exploring you will undoubtedly encounter different types of puzzles.

The fast travel systems system makes navigation more efficient, enhancing the overall experience. While exploring, you will come across Resonance Beacons and Resonance Nexuses throughout the world. When the Beacon or Nexus is grey, that means you haven’t discovered it yet.

Wuthering Waves gives players a mesmerizingly beautiful world to explore. I felt like I was transported inside a gorgeous Donghua or Chinese animation. Though a futuristic, post-apocalyptic game, the elements of an elegant, bespoke Chinese culture permeate not just in the names of the characters, but in the architecture, the people, the artwork, and the culture. It’s a delightful experience and I can’t wait to see what else there is to discover.

Kiesha Richardson

Kiesha is a Black blogger and journalist. She’s a gaming and tech content specialist and cybersecurity enthusiast. An avid gamer who has been gaming since Jungle Hunt on Atari, she owns and solo operates GNL Magazine as well as copywrites for small businesses and brands. When she’s not writing or gaming she’s being harassed by her pups, watching Chinese dramas, or traveling the world.


Wuthering Waves - Guide to Resonators, Tacet Discords, and Energies


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