Where to Find Relic Points in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

One of the coolest additions to Cyberpunk 2077 with the release of “Phantom Liberty” is the Relic Tree. The Relic Tree has 15 new skills to make V even more powerful. The Relic Tree is unlocked when you meet one of the main protagonists of Phantom Liberty, Songbird. She will give you three Relic Points during the “Dog Eat Dog” mission and another three points later in the main campaign with the “Birds with Broken Wings” mission. The other nine relic skill points, however, you have to find the rest on your own.

To get relic points in Cyberpunk, you have to visit Militech’s Restricted Data Relic Terminals, and jack into the terminal to download the data. There are nine Restricted Data Relic Terminals in Dogtown, and all are only good for one use, granting one relic skill point.

Militech Restricted Data Terminal Location: EBM Petrochem Stadium

When Songbird leads you into Dogtown, the first place you enter is EBM Petrochem Stadium. In the Northwest of the stadium, you will see the car vendor. Head to the car vendor. Just beyond the car vendor is a stone staircase. Take the staircase. To the right, you will see another staircase and vending machines in front of a statue of three athletes. You will also hear the beeping of the Militech Relic Software. Follow the beep behind the statue, beyond some scaffolding (you’ll need to crouch). Jack in and download the software.

Militech Restricted Data Terminal Location: Overpass Across from Heavy Hearts Club

To get to the Restricted Data Terminal on the Overpass, head toward the direction of the Heavy Hearts Club. It’s located across from the EBM Petrochem Stadium on the East side of Dogtown. Drive toward the Heavy Hearts Club and make a left in front of the club, going into a construction site. Go past the green heavy machinery at the entrance and look to your right to see a stone stairway. Take the stairway up, following the walkway to your left. Follow the beep around the little corner, just beyond the wall with graffiti.

Militech Restricted Data Terminal Location: Kress Street Entrance to Safehouse

The Kress Street Data Terminal is the easiest one to get to. The elevator to your safehouse leads you right to it. It’s on the same street level as the Kress Street Fast Travel point. When you exit the safehouse building for the first time, you will need to take the elevator down. When you exit the elevator, turn right and it’s in the far left corner.

Militech Restricted Data Terminal Location: Barghest Stronghold

You have to go through a lot of Barghest baddies to get to the data terminal in the stronghold. The Barghest Stronghold is just around the corner from the Kress Street fast travel terminal. Just around the corner, to your right, from the safehouse elevator, go straight until you see the Barghest Wolf painted in yellow on the right wall. Then keep straight and stay to your right. The Barghest Stronghold is right there, heavily guarded. Again, there are turrets and cameras. Oh! It’s a high-crime area also.

Take everyone out and make your way into the stronghold to your right. Clear the room and go down through the tunnel in the back left of the room. Make your way to the boiler room that’s filled with Barghest, cameras, and turrets. As you enter, there’s a door to the control room on your left. You need 15 Technical Ability to open this door. If you don’t have the Technical Ability to open the door, to the right of the entrance is a ladder that goes underneath the grate floor. Crouch to go to the left until you get to a little alcove with a ladder. That ladder takes you up into the control room. You will, of course, need to clear the room.

After you’ve gotten the relic points and cleared the room, there is another tunnel at the end of the room, to the right. This tunnel has two turrets. When you get to the end of the tunnel, you’ll come into a garage where there’s one last surprise for you: Take him down. Loot him and get your goodies. You can leave through the garage. 

Militech Restricted Data Terminal Location: Barghest Parking Garage

When you look at your map, locate Kress Street (your safehouse). There is a Drop Point icon below the Kress Street Fast Travel terminal, on a long, main road. Just a bit Northeast of that Drop Point is what looks like a bridge or overpass on your map. Go to that overpass. There is Barghest security patrolling out there. Go up the stairs and you’ll start to hear the beeping. Follow the sound to your left where there is some graffiti on the wall. The restricted data terminal is there.

Militech Restricted Data Terminal Location: Voodoo Boys Hideout at Luxor High Wellness Spa

To get to the data terminal in the Voodoo Boys’ hideout, you will have to get to the far end of the Voodoo Boys’ hideout on the second floor. There are turrets and cameras. If you arrive via Fast Travel, cross the street, and go to your right. There will be a camera inside the room. Head inside, carefully, as there are VBs and a camera. Go up the stairs above the entrance you just came from. More cameras, a turret, and lots of VBs to deal with. You should hear the beep of the data terminal coming from across the room. Clear the floor, go across the room, and get your relic points.

Suggestion: clear the entire place because it’s also an “Increased Criminal Activity”, meaning, there’s a named boss and good loot in there.

Militech Restricted Data Terminal Location: Highway Underpass Behind Barricade

This Militech Data Terminal is literally beneath a highway underpass. Open your map and locate the Luxor High Wellness Spa Fast Travel Point. Down the road, you will see an icon for a Restricted Data Terminal. Go down the road and look to your left underneath the overpass. You will see a barricade and maybe two junkies. The Militech Data Terminal is behind the barricade.

Militech Restricted Data Terminal Location: Capitan Caliente Roof

The data terminal above Capitan Caliente can be a bit tricky to get to. If you’re already at the Brainemporium, it will be a bit easier to get to from there. Leaving Brainemporium, go straight and look to your left to see the wall of the bridge destroyed. Go to that and jump down onto the ledge. You should see Haven across the street. Follow the ledge left and go up the ramp. Jump up and grab the ledge (tendons are nice for this). In front of you, on a ledge is the data terminal. Be careful, there are mines.

Militech Restricted Data Terminal Location: Massdriver Building at Terra Cognita Fast Travel Terminal

To get to the date terminal inside the Mass Driver building, you are going to have to battle some Scavengers, including a Modified Arasaka MRS-071. To get to the Mass Driver Building, drive to the South of Dogtown if you haven’t discovered the Terra Cognita fast travel point yet. Cross the street, up the stairs, and make a right, you will see the heavily guarded Mass Driver building.

Dispatch of the baddies in the front, including the drone and baddies waiting inside. There will be cameras and two active turrets. Go inside the door and go up the escalator on the left. Go down the hall and up some more escalators where you will start to hear the Data Terminal beep coming from your right as you turn.

This is another “Increased Criminal Activity” area where you should definitely clear out the entire area and search rooms on each side of the building. Be careful, though. The top floor of the Mass Drive building has mines.

It’s unclear if CDPR will add additional relic skills and/or Restricted Data Terminals. As it stands, however, just these relic skills give V some pretty good opportunities for both offensive and defensive maneuvering.

Kiesha Richardson

Kiesha is a blogger and journalist who specializes in video game, tech, and travel content. She’s an avid gamer who has been gaming since Jungle Hunt on Atari; she owns and solo operates GNL Magazine and Blerd Travels, as well as copywriting for small businesses and brands. When she’s not writing or gaming, she’s being harassed by her pups, watching Chinese dramas, or traveling the world.


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