How to Complete Speak of the Devil in Fallout 4

With Bethesda’s Fallout 4 April 25 patch comes a new quest line that’s accessible to everyone: “Speak of the Devil.” This quest line will take you on a journey between several areas and reward you handsomely with an X-02 Power Armor. Just be careful as the “Speak of the Devil” questline is meant for higher level players—At least level 30 (I completed this from level 33 to level 35).

Originally, “Speak of the Devil” was a quest from modder and developer Kris Takahashi that could be purchased in Bethesda’s Creation Club. After Takahashi was hired full-time by Bethesda, his two quests, “Speak of the Devil” and “Crucible” were integrated into Fallout 4 as part of Bethesda’s April 25, 2024, next-gen update patch.

How to Start Speak of the Devil

After the April 25 free update, log into Fallout 4. Several quests will pop up, including the new “Speak of the Devil.” This quest will first take you to Wattz Consumer Electronics where you will pick up a holotape inside called The Black Devil Vol. 1 and Connie’s note on the table at the front entrance.

The Black Devil holotape will take you to Relay Tower OMC-810 just northeast of Wattz Consumer Electronics. Be careful. The relay tower is guarded by Enclave members. Dispatch the bad guys and find Richie’s by the tower’s terminal. Take the AM 810 music catalog holotape and Richie’s note and follow the instructions. Use the terminal to extend the satellites then load the AM 810 holotape into the terminal, transferring the files “Stars and Stripes Forever” and Battle Hymn of the Republic”.

BADTFL Regional Office

The quest will then take you to the BADTFL Regional Office. There may be mercenaries outside as soon as you arrive. Dispatch of the bad guys. Head inside where there will be Raiders and a turret. You know what to do. After you clear the building make your way to the interrogation room where you will find Connie’s corpse slumped over the desk. On the desk are the FM 52.7 Music Catalogue holotape and Connie’s confession with just the phrase “Check the Wall,” meaning the wall just behind Connie’s body. In the hole in the wall, is a piece of “Cigarette Paper” with a password on it.

Play the FM 52.7 music catalog. It’s locked and can be unlocked in one of three ways:

  1. If you have Hacker 1+, you can generate a password list and select the right password. The correct password is [e\_di@bl0*p7z+rk4CkzEsx\@iene

  2. If you have Hacker 3+ you can break the holotape’s encryption immediately.

  3. The password you just got from Connie’s confession from the wall behind her body. The password reads, “Password is “El Diablo Viene.”

Next, the quest will take you to another relay tower, Relay Tower OSC-527. There should be no bad guys around there. Head to the terminal, extend the satellite, load the FM 52.7 holotape, and transfer the file “America the Beautiful.

Boston Police Rationing Site

Next up on your adventure is the Boston Police Rationing Site. The door is locked from the inside so you will have to do a little parkour to make your way up to the second floor to enter through the broken window. Inside, several Mole Rats are waiting so be ready.

After you’ve cleared the room, unlock the door then go right toward your destination, the Mass Pike Tunnel. There are lots of ghouls in the tunnel. Fight your way through to a locked room where John Reise’s body is. Turn on the radio to unlock another door where the X-02 power armor set is waiting for you to claim. In the room, there are also notes on the X-02, the Black Devil’s terminal, and a safe that can only be unlocked by the terminal. Then, you’ll start another mission, Enclave Radio.

After acquiring the X-02 power armor, be prepared to randomly encounter Enclave members looking to retrieve the power armor and eliminate you. This was the complete walkthrough on how to get the X-02 power armor and complete the “Speak of the Devil” quest line.

Kiesha Richardson

Kiesha is a blogger and journalist who specializes in video game, tech, and travel content. She’s an avid gamer who has been gaming since Jungle Hunt on Atari; she owns and solo operates GNL Magazine and Blerd Travels, as well as copywriting for small businesses and brands. When she’s not writing or gaming, she’s being harassed by her pups, watching Chinese dramas, or traveling the world.


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