Fallout 4 “Restoring Order" Stuck Bug Fix Guide

“Restoring Order” is the last quest in the “Headhunting” quest chain of Fallout 4’s Automatron DLC. As fun and rewarding as completing this quest is, players often encounter frustrating bugs that prevent them from progressing, especially after the April 25th update. One common issue arises when using the terminal during this quest, causing the game to become unresponsive or crash. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to resolve this issue and avoid similar problems throughout your Fallout 4 experience.

Quick Walkthrough for Restoring Order

In "Restoring Order," confront the Mechanist at the RobCo Sales & Service Center. Inside, you will navigate through the lair, using a robot with an M-SAT to open blast-proof doors. Fight through waves of robots, eventually reaching the war room. The robots are incredibly fierce, so using the Hack ability really comes in handy here. Here, you face off against the Mechanist and a final Duelbot.

Alternatively, by collecting supervisor holotapes and overriding a lockdown, you can surprise the Mechanist in the control room, triggering a speech check to stand her down. After defeating the Duelbot or resolving the situation peacefully, the Mechanist revealed to be Isabel Cruz, will thank you and give you her Mechanist armor. This is where a lot of players get stuck, literally.

Players have complained about being stuck on the terminal when it’s time to take over the facility. After talking the Mechanist down, she gives you the RB-2851 Master Control Password for the Master Control Terminal. This is where I and many other players have gotten stuck. Luckily, there are a couple of ways to fix this bug. 

The "Restoring Order" stuck bug, along with many other bugs can be fixed by tweaking the game’s framerates or refresh rate settings. However, such alterations can disrupt the game's physics and lead to various glitches and errors. So, here’s how to do it the right way.

Fallout 4 The Mechanist's Armor

Fix #1: Adjust Fallout 4 Framerates to cap at 60 FPS

To mitigate these issues, it's advisable to adhere to the game's default settings and maintain a 60 frames-per-second (FPS) cap. However, newer or next-gen PCs and monitors often exceed this. The game's FPS cap is determined by your monitor's refresh rate, typically 60Hz or 120Hz, divided by the "iPresentInterval" value in the .INI file.

How to Access and Change the .INS

  1. First, exit the game to Desktop.

  2. Open up File Explorer either by pressing Win +E or clicking on any File Explorer folder on your desktop. Open Documents/My Games/Fallout4.

  3. Find the Fallout4Prefs.ini file and open it. It should open in Notepad.

  4. Find iPresentInterval=1 and make sure the "iPresentInterval" value matches your monitor's refresh rate. If your monitor is set to 60Hz, the value should be "1"; for 120Hz, it should be "2." Setting it to "0" removes the fps cap, which could cause potential problems. If your monitor exceeds 120Hz, such as 144Hz, consider adjusting your desktop refresh rate to 120Hz while playing Fallout 4.

  5. Save and exit out.

  6. Restart the game to see if your issue was fixed. If not, try the next fix.

Fix #2: Run Fallout 4 in Borderless Window Mode

This is the solution that worked for me. Run Fallout 4 in Borderless Windowed Mode to alleviate some FPS issues. To enable this mode,

  1. Open the Fallout 4 launcher's Options menu,

  2. At the bottom, check the "Windowed Mode" and "Borderless" checkboxes, and apply the changes.

This bug has been a problem since Automatron’s release in 2016. By following these steps to address the "Restoring Order" stuck bug and similar issues, you should be able to enjoy a smoother and more seamless experience in Fallout 4. Whether troubleshooting quest glitches or preventing game-breaking errors, understanding and adjusting the game's settings is key to navigating the post-apocalyptic wasteland without hindrance.

Kiesha Richardson

Kiesha is a blogger and journalist who specializes in video game, tech, and travel content. She’s an avid gamer who has been gaming since Jungle Hunt on Atari; she owns and solo operates GNL Magazine and Blerd Travels, as well as copywriting for small businesses and brands. When she’s not writing or gaming, she’s being harassed by her pups, watching Chinese dramas, or traveling the world.


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