GTA 5 Cheat Codes for PS4, Xbox One, and PC

Though GTA V was released on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in September 2013 and PS4 and Xbox One in November 2014, it’s remained one of the most popular games to date.

Rockstar Games

Rockstar Games

People are still discovering the fun of GTA V and GTA Online or replaying for nostalgia.

Remember back in the day when people would print out pages of cheat codes, walkthroughs, and guides for their favorite games? My brother, friends, and I would sit in front of the TV and pass around the controller to get through the hardest of missions on single-player games like those from the Grand Theft Auto series. One of us would go to the computer to look up a GTA cheat code if a section was rage-inducingly difficult. These games were among the first franchises to introduce cheat codes that weren’t just for assisting players in their mission, but just for all-out fun and chaos. Cheat codes were and still are part of the fun, especially in GTA.

If you want to instantly increase your health, be invincible, have infinite ammo, and have all the bad ass vehicles in GTA 5 cheat for storymode, then this is for you!

Rockstar Games

First things first. If you don’t have Grand Theft Auto V already, Green Man Gaming is always having a deal on GTA 5. Let’s go over how to input these GTA 5 cheat codes for each gaming platform. You can enter the codes at any time on all consoles, save for the “Lower Wanted Level” cheat during certain missions.

How to Input GTA 5 Cheats Codes for PC: The primary method for entering GTA 5 cheats on PC is via your cell phone and dialing the number. Many, if not most GTA players on PC use a controller. If you are one of the brave ones driving and shooting with just your keyboard and mouse, you can also enter cheat codes by pulling up the “Console Command” by pressing your “ ~ “ key (it’s just under your Esc key, top left). After you pull up your console command, type the PC cheat words below.

How to Input GTA 5 Cheats Codes on PS4 /PS5 and Xbox One / Series: Regardless of the type of gaming console you have, entering the codes is done the same way: pressing the combination of buttons in a specific sequence to unlock your cheat. Or, like PC, you can enter the cheat on your cell phone.

Here is a comprehensive list of GTA 5 cheats for PS4, Xbox, and PC, as well as 360 and PS3.

Important GTA 5 Cheats Codes for PS4, Xbox One, and PC

Max Health and Body Armor

  • PS3 / PS4: O, L1, Triangle, R2, X, Square, O, Right, Square, L1, L1, L1

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: B, LB, Y, RT, A, X, B, Right, X, LB, LB, LB


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-887-853


  • PS3 / PS4: Right, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: Right, A, Right, Left, Right, RB, Right, Left, A, Y


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-724-6545537

Weapons and Ammo

  • PS3 / PS4: Triangle, R2, Left, L1, X, Right, Triangle, Down, Square, L1, L1, L1

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360 - Y, RT, Left, LB, A, Right, Y, Down, X, LB, LB, LB


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-866-587

The weapons cheat gives you a Sawed-off Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, SMG, Pistol, Grenades, RPG, and Knife

Trevor  Rockstar Games

Rockstar Games

Lower Wanted Level

  • PS3 / PS4: R1, R1, O, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: RB, RB, B, RT, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-529-93787

Only reduces wanted level by one star. Input as many times as needed to get rid of wanted level all together.

Raise Wanted Level

  • PS3 / PS4: R1, R1, O, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: RB, RB, B, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-384-48483

Increase your Wanted level by one star.

Fun GTA 5 Cheats for PS4, Xbox One, and PC

Change Weather

  • PS3 / PS4: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, X


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-625-348-7246

Drunk mode

PS3 / PS4: Triangle, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, O, Left

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: Y, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, B, Left


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-547867

Fast Sprinting

  • PS3 / PS4: Triangle, Left, Right, Right, L2, L1, Square

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: Y, Left, Right, Right, LT, LB, X


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-228-2463


  • PS3 / PS4: L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: LB, LT, RB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, LB, LT, RB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-759-3255

Moon Gravity Rockstar Games

Moon Gravity Rockstar Games

Moon Gravity

Rockstar Games

Change Gravity

  • PS3 / PS4: Left, Left, L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: Left, Left, LB, RB, LB, Right, Left, LB, Left


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-356-2837

Gliding Cars

  • PS3 / PS4: Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: Y, RB, RB, Left, RB, LB, RT, LB


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-766-9329

Slow Motion

  • PS3 / PS4: Triangle, Left, Right, Right, Square, R2, R1

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: Y, Left, Right, Right, X, RT, RB


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-756-966

Explosive Melee Attacks

  • PS3 / PS4: Right, Left, X, Triangle, R1, O, O, O, L2

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: Right, Left, A, Y, RB, B, B, B, LT


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-468-42637

 Explosive Rounds

  • PS3 / PS4: Right, Square, X, Left, R1, R2, Left, Right, Right, L1, L1, L1

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: Right, X, A, Left, RB, RT, Left, Right, Right, LB, LB, LB


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-444-439

Flame Rounds

  • PS3 / PS4: L1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Right, L1, L1

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: LB, RB, X, RB, Left, RT, RB, Left, X, Right, LB, LB


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-4623-634279

Cars and Bikes Cheats


  • PS3 / PS4: Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, O, Triangle, R1, R2

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: B, A, LB, B, B, LB, B, RB, RT, LT, LB, LB


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-633-7623

Maibatsu Sanchez Rockstar Games

Maibatsu Sanchez Rockstar Games


  • PS3 / PS4: O, L1, Left, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, O, X

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: B, LB, Left, RB, LT, A, RB, LB, B, A


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-4653-461


  • PS3 / PS4: R1, O, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: RB, B, RT, Right, LB, LT, A, A, X, RB


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-266-38

Rapid GT

  • PS3 / PS4: R2, L1, O, Right, L1, R1, Right, Left, O, R2

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360 - RT, LB, B, Right, LB, RB, Right, Left, B, RT


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-727-4348

 Stretch Limo Vehicle

  • PS3 / PS4: R2, Right, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, O, Right

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: RT, Right, LT, Left, Left, RB, LB, B, Right


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-846-39663

Garbage Truck Vehicle

  • PS3 / PS4: Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: B, RB, B, RB, Left, Left, RB, LB, B, Right


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-872-7433

BMX Bike

  • PS3 / PS4: Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, O, Triangle, R1, R2

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, B,Y, RB, RT


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-226-348

 Shitzu PCJ 600

  • PS3 / PS4: R1, Right, Left, Right, R2, Left, Right, Square, Right, L2, L1, L1

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: RB, Right, Left, Right, RT, Left, Right, X, Right, LT, LB, LB


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-762-538

Imponte “Duke of Death” Rockstar Games via

Imponte “Duke of Death” Rockstar Games via

Imponte “Duke O'Death”

  • PS3 / PS4: Dial 1-999-332-84227

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: Dial 1-999-332-84227


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-332-84227

Must complete the “Duel" event before this code is usable.


Buzzard Helicopter

  • PS3 / PS4: O, O, L1, O, O, O, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, O, Triangle

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: B, B, LB, B, B, B, LB, LT, RB, Y, B, Y


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-289-9633

 Duster Plane

  • PS3 / PS4: Right, Left, R1, R1, R1, Left, Triangle, Triangle, X, O, L1, L1

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: Right, Left, RB, RB, RB, Left, Y, Y, A, B, LB, LB


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-359-77729

 Stunt Plane

  • PS3 / PS4: O, Right, L1, L2, Left, R1, L1, L1, Left, Left, X, Triangle

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: B, Right, LB, LT, Left, RB, LB, LB, Left, Left, A, Y


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-227-678-676

Kraken Mini Sub Rockstar Games

Kraken Mini Sub Rockstar Games

Kraken Mini Sub

  • PS3 / PS4: Dial 1-999-282-2537

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: Dial 1-999-282-2537


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-282-2537

Must complete the "Wildlife Photography Challenge" before being code is usable.

 Dodo Airplane

  • PS3 / PS4: Dial 1-999-398-4628

  • Xbox One / Xbox 360: Dial 1-999-398-4628


  • Cell Phone: 1-999-398-4628

Must complete the "Sea Plane" event before the code is usable.

There is No Money Cheat

There are some sites claiming to have a GTA V Infinite Money Cheat. Sorry, but they are either outdated glitches or they are scams. Or they’re referring to manipulating the stock market as a GTA 5 money cheat.

Once upon a time, there were GTA money cheats. But there has never been an infinite money cheat code for GTA V. There used to be a money glitch where you’d swim to various locations and pick up briefcases full of money. The glitch no longer works. But even without GTA V money cheat codes, there are plenty of ways to make money in storymode.

One of the biggest ways to make money is playing the stock market, especially after your assassination missions from Lester. Listen to Lester’s advice. The very last assassination mission is probably the juiciest. Just before you go to kill the architect, put all of your money in Gold Coast. You can thank us later.

GTA Twitch Prime Loot

GTA Twitch Prime Loot

As for making money in GTA Online, completing missions, doing races, and becoming the head of your own criminal organization is the way to do it. We’ll have a guide for that too. For quick money, however, link your Rock Star Social Club account to your Twitch Prime account for Prime in-game loot. You can also purchase a Shark card. Shark cards are like money cards that range from 100,000 in-game dollars for $2.99 to 8 million in-game dollars for $99.99.

Note: These GTA cheat codes and phone numbers work for storymode only. These GTA cheat codes will not work in GTA Online.

Kiesha Richardson

Kiesha is a blogger and journalist who specializes in video game, tech, and travel content. She’s an avid gamer who has been gaming since Jungle Hunt on Atari; she owns and solo operates GNL Magazine and Blerd Travels, as well as copywriting for small businesses and brands. When she’s not writing or gaming, she’s being harassed by her pups, watching Chinese dramas, or traveling the world.


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