Cyberpunk 2077 Update – Changes in Night City

Though Cyberpunk 2077 had one of the worst launches in gaming history, CDPR put in some serious work to make the game what it should have been on release. Even with all the bugs and backlash, the game was still enjoyable for many. Cyberpunk devs continuously updated, listened to the “constructive” fan criticism, and redeemed Cyberpunk 2077 from that infamous launch.

Because of all of the updates and fixes, gamers have been flocking to Night City to give it another chance. As well they should. Great story, great gameplay, amazing content, fun easter eggs and some of the best fashion in gaming—Cyberpunk deserves a second chance. And a second chance it’s getting, thanks to the Netflix animated series Cyberpunk Edgerunners. Gamers are flocking to Night City, with CD Project Red announcing Cyberpunk 2077 sold 20 million copies. Whether those copies were acquired at discount, as some on Twitter mentioned, is irrelevant because people are still buying and playing.

Here is a basic summary of each patch. For more extensive patch information go here.

Patch 1.1 to Patch 1.3 Recap

Patches 1.1 to 1.4 were mostly fixes to bring the game to where it should have been at launch. Lots of bug fixes. 1.1 was the emergency patch to address performance issues, including an issue that caused save files to become too large and corrupted.

Patch 1.2 fixed more bugs and improved driving some and buffed Gorilla Arms damage to 20%. This patch also stopped Delmain from spam calling you if you were near one of his quest locations.

Patch 1.3 included the first free DLC content update. If you sided with Rogue in the Panam quest, players get the Archer Quartz Bandit car. It’s also available for purchase. You also get a Multilayered Syn-Leather Deltajock Jacket and a Luminescent Punk Jacket in V’s apartment stash.

Patch 1.5 REcap

Why did the patches go from 1.3 to 1.5? Patch 1.5 was so large that what the devs were going to include in 1.4 they just put it into 1.5. Night City has four new apartments for purchase. It’s possible more are coming in later DLCs. Players can now change their appearance—hair, and makeup. The perk tree got a full renovation. There are new weapons from drops or for purchase.

Weapons and cars had their prices reduced. The perk tree got a complete makeover, buffing some perks while removing others. They also made driving better by finally improving handling and breaking. They even gave players the ability to do burnouts.

Something extremely helpful they included: giving players a mission counter for Fixers. Also, Fixers now give you a weapon or car once you complete their mission quest line.

They enhanced the text conversations between love interests. Players can wake up next to their boo thang after spending the night together. One thing they should have done, though, is to allow Takamura to be a love interest. I mean, they might as well since they allow us to flirt with him.

Patch 1.6 – Edgerunners Patch

Ahead of the 2023 Phantom Liberty expansion, CDPR released an animated Netflix series “Edgerunners.” There’s a new mission in-game that coincides with the Netflix series. Each Fixer has brand new gigs for players. There are new weapons throughout Night City from the show as well, including Rebecca’s “Guts” shotgun.

Transmog your clothes at V’s apartment. Wear your favorite outfit without having to change out of your powerful equipment. Speaking of appearance, fully customize your character’s appearance at a Ripperdoc.

Now cross-progression saves are allowed between console and PC. They also launched REDmod, which helps modders install and manage mods on PC. For more information on the Edgerunners patch, go here.

How to Start the Edgerunners Quest

You can complete the Edgerunners mission at any level. Go to the Megabuilding H4 in Santo Domingo, Arroyo. You’ll pick up a BD from a pile in a little corner at the building. The BD is the first 6 minutes of the first episode of the animated series Cyberpunk Edgerunners. After you get through the BD you’ll message the fixer Muamar “El Capitan” Reyes or Mu to inquire about David Martinez. After a brief chat you’ll have to wait 24 hours to message El Capitan again.

After talking to Mu again, he’ll tell you he has a gift for you. Go to the location in Santo Domingo, Arroyo to meet Mu and collect your gift, David Martinez’s jacket from the series.

Cyberpunk 2077 is finally fixed. Now is definitely the time to explore all that Night City has to offer.

Kiesha Richardson

Kiesha is a blogger and journalist who specializes in video game, tech, and travel content. She’s an avid gamer who has been gaming since Jungle Hunt on Atari; she owns and solo operates GNL Magazine and Blerd Travels, as well as copywriting for small businesses and brands. When she’s not writing or gaming, she’s being harassed by her pups, watching Chinese dramas, or traveling the world.


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