All the Exo-Jack Boots: Finding the Hottest Fashion Items in Cyberpunk 2077

Updated September 25, 2022

One of the best features of Cyberpunk 2077 is finding the hottest fashion and gear to stunt in while in photomode. Different gear pieces drop from random mobs, are given as mission rewards, or can be bought at one of many clothing stores throughout Night City. Some items are a bit more rare and more difficult to find than others. Of course, gamers have been hard at work uncovering the rarest items and providing external features that are not in the game, yet.

With all of the hype around photomode, photomode simply would not be as fun without Night City fashion. Unfortunately, Cyberpunk 2077 does not have a preview or dressing room mode for trying on clothes before buying from vendors. Hopefully, that will change. Until then, a fan created a fashion database Cyberpunk 404 to preview clothes in Cyberpunk 2077.

Exo-Jack Boots: The Hottest Gear in Cyberpunk 2077

It’s been quite a ride watching V grow from the humble beginnings of a street kid with an old pair of black jeans and a tee shirt to a deadly merc with incredible fashion sense. When the first pair of Exo-Jacks dropped for me, it instantly took my homely look from street kid starter kid to baddest bitch on the block. The Exo-Jacks seem to be the one item everyone is trying to get their hands on.

As far as we know, there are five styles of the Exo-Jack boots. If you’re looking for Exo-Jack boots in Cyberpunk 2077, here’s where you can find them.

Multilayered Kasen Exo-Jacks with Anti-Shrapnel Lining (Black with blue and yellow accents)

I’ve only seen the Multilayered Kasen Exo-Jacks drop from Tyger Claw mobs. I’ve had three, low quality pairs drop from them. According to the Cyberpunk 2077 forums and reddit, the crafting plans for these blue and yellow Exo-Jacks should spawn at Avanti Si Parla Moda in Corpo Plaza. I spent 5 hours trying to get the plans to spawn but no luck.

Trendy Ultralight Exo-Jack Boots (Grey/White with yellow and blue accents)

I typically have had the Trendy Ultralight Exo-Jack Boots drop from Tyger Claws mobs in Watson’s Kabuki District. They are also sold at Avanti Si Parla Moda in Corpo Plaza.

Heavy Duty Biker Exo-Jacks (Black with red accents)

These black Heavy Duty Biker Exo-Jacks have red accents. I had a low quality pair drop from an Arasaka mob when I was still low level. I had another low quality pair drop from a Tyger Claws mob some time later. You can also purchase them at a higher quality from Avanti Si Parla Moda clothing store in Corpo Plaza. Both the Heavy Duty Biker Exo-Jacks and Trendy Ultralight Exo-Jacks will not always be in stock. You may have to roll a few times. By rolling, I mean skip to 24 hours ahead to reset the stock. It could take a while to get an epic or legendary roll. I have only seen the epic boots, but I have seen other legendaries, but very rarely.

Composite Punk Exo-Jacks

These bright yellow Composite Punk Exo-Jacks were a random drop from a Tyger Claws mob. I have not seen them in any store and they’ve only dropped once for me.

MiliTOXIC Ceramic-layer Combat Exo-Jacks (Black and yellow)

The MiliTOXIC Exo-Jacks are in a hidden location in the Watson district, just across the street from a pharmacy. I learned about this location from Redditor aguywithathing. The yellow and black outfit my V is wearing gives me Beatrice Kiddo vibes with the katana. Anyone else? Update: I just had these drop from a Tyger Claw mob inside Club Braindance.

Update April 19, 2024 - Several people have told me that the boots were not there when they went to the location. After starting my fourth playthrough this week, I went to check for the boots and they were there and available at just level 10. I now have these boots on all four of my playthroughs of Cyberpunk 2077. In my first playthrough, I had picked up the MiliTOXIC Exo-Jacks but could not remember where I had gotten them. In my second playthrough, however, I paid attention. I went back to my original character and sure enough, the boots and all the loot were gone.

I also just saw the Militoxic Ceramic-Layer Combat Exo-Jacks in the clothing store near the Mallagra & Mananita Fast Travel in Santo Domingo.

Reinforced Rouge Absurd Exo-Jacks with Defensive Nanotubing

The Reinforced Rouge Absurd Exo-Jack boots drop off of Tyger Claws in the first Act. I have not seen them in the second Act anywhere.

*Update April 2023:

The Red Exo-Jacks or Reinforced Rouge Absurde Exo-Jacks with Defensive Nanotubing dropped twice in Act 2. Once off of a Tiger Claw and again off of the Maelstrom Cyberpsycho from the “Bloody Ritual” mission.

Worn Exo-Jacks

The Worn Exo-Jacks are really cute purple, black, and grey over-the-knee boots. The purple seems to be textured to look suede. No other exo-jacks have this texture. At least not yet discovered. These dropped from Tyger Claws in Kabuki.

While most of my luck with getting the Exo-Jacks has been from Tyger Claws, they are still quite rare. When running gigs, don’t forget to check lockers and containers all around. I’ve found some special goodies just lying around waiting for me to possess them.

I’ll keep this updated as I try to get the crafting plans. I hope this was helpful.

Kiesha Richardson

Kiesha is a blogger and journalist who specializes in video game, tech, and travel content. She’s an avid gamer who has been gaming since Jungle Hunt on Atari; she owns and solo operates GNL Magazine and Blerd Travels, as well as copywriting for small businesses and brands. When she’s not writing or gaming, she’s being harassed by her pups, watching Chinese dramas, or traveling the world.


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