#WorldofWarcraft Are You Ready for Battle for Azeroth Release Day on August 14, 2018?

Guides? CHECK! Snacks? CHECK!

Tensions between Horde and Alliance have intensified since both factions worked together and effectively destroyed The Legion in Antoras. We can argue all day and night about whether or not Sylvanas was justified in her burning down of Teldrassil (*cough she was cough*). With the Battle for Azeroth expansion quickly approaching, there are more important matters to discuss: the best guides for your class and dungeons, what are you going to snack and how many days off from work are you going to take for the expansion release.

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Casual or hardcore, there's little excuse for not knowing how to play your class. We all have lives outside of Azeroth and the WoW community knows it. That's why there are so many guides available to help you be the best you can be at playing your class.

There are several places to go for guidance. Icy Veins and WoWhead are classic go-to guide sites for class specialization, talents, gear and best in slot items (BiS).  And my favorite place to go to for all things priest is Warcraft Priests. The website formerly known as HowToPriest is now Warcraft Priests. They've been the best place to go for guides, getting started and macros for playing all three specializations: Holy, Discipline and Shadow. Warcraft Priests' Discord is very active, friendly and helpful.

For raid and dungeon fights, go to Fatboss TV to watch and study boss fights. Don't forget to check out the commentary from some amazing WoW players via their Twitch channels as well. For example, Midnah is arguably one of the best druid healers around. She's a small time streamer but incredibly knowledgeable about Restoration Druids.

Like most WoW players eagerly anticipating Battle for Azeroth, you'll likely be sitting for hours at a time leveling. You're looking over your guides and you're ready to jump into action. You're gonna need sustenance. By sustenance, we mean food--keyboard-safe snacks like:

  • Nuts, if you're not allergic to them.

  • Fruit. Bananas, berries, already chopped melon and pineapple, sliced apples

  • Celery with your favorite dip.

  • Dry cereal. Frosted Flakes and Captain Crunch Crunch Berries or whatever you prefer.

  • Popcorn.

WoW isn't one of those games you can just pause. You have to get to a safe spot before going AFK. Sometimes, that can take a while, especially if you've already been going at questing and running dungeons or raiding for hours already. Don't forget to stretch, walk around for a few minutes. Hell, if you're worried about your weight, do 10 squats every hour or 10 push-up or 10 crunches. Set an alarm or timer to remind you that you need to get up and get your blood circulating.

Share with us how you get ready for WoW expansions.


Kiesha Richardson

Kiesha is a blogger and journalist who specializes in video game, tech, and travel content. She’s an avid gamer who has been gaming since Jungle Hunt on Atari; she owns and solo operates GNL Magazine and Blerd Travels, as well as copywriting for small businesses and brands. When she’s not writing or gaming, she’s being harassed by her pups, watching Chinese dramas, or traveling the world.


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