5 of the Coolest Fallout 76 CAMP Builds
It’s true that Fallout 76 got off to a rocky start as far as questing and the lack of human NPCs making the game far less interesting than its previous Fallout titles. But the one thing that has remained constant is the creativity that players get to express through C.A.M.P. building.
I recently gave Fallout 76 another shot after uninstalling an hour after playing it when the game first released. Not only is the gameplay more enjoyable, but I encountered some amazing CAMPS through my travels. It’s a much different experience wandering into a CAMP than seeing them on Youtube and reddit. But still, here are some amazing CAMPS.
The Secret Outhouse Cave by Michelle Williams
Pirate Ship by Dylan Greatbanks
Welcome to the Dollhouse by Jessica Walton

EMP Flight School by EmpNorton
Photos captured by Kat Hickson

Floating Beams by Juhász Péter Nikopol

There are many, many more awe-inspiring CAMP builds in the Wasteland and it was tough picking just five. For now. Let’s see your CAMP builds or your favorite builds on our Facebook page or @ us on Twitter.