Starfield: Locate Extinction Event in Altair - Constellation Mission Board
Starfield gives players plenty of exploration missions. One of the more daunting of those exploration missions comes from the Constellation Mission Board. The Constellation Mission Board missions take you all over the universe to explore and search for geological, ecological, and biological events. These missions are well worth doing as they pay a lot. Finding the right area can take hours upon hours to find because you will have to survey multiple planets and moons within a system to find your destination.
Constellation Mission Board
One of the first missions available on the Constellation Mission Board is “Locate Extinction Event in Altair (Ecology)”. Though it’s fairly easy, it’s incredibly time-consuming hopping from planet to planet, moon to moon to survey various areas. If you want a heads up, we gotchu.
Extinction Event Altair
So you’ve accepted the mission, “Extinction Level Event Altair” from the Constellation Mission Board.
Travel to the Altair star system.
Head to Altair IV and go to the moon Altair IV-c. Before you land, survey the moon’s surface. You want to look for the area that says Hills. Land in the center of that area.
Using your hand scanner, look for a distortion that says, “Life Signs”. One of the Life Signs you come across will be the Tar Pits. There are large skeletal bones. Scan them.
And you’re done.
The trick to completing the Constellation Mission Board quests is to match the type of mission to the distortion. For example, a mission that says (ECOLOGY) means you will be looking for the Life Forms distortion. A mission that says (GEOLOGY) means you will be looking for Natural distortion. Missions that say (BIOLOGY) mean you will be looking for a Life Signs distortion.
When looking for distortions, you may have to hop around or jump to different areas on the planet or moon to get to the right one. Sometimes you may get lucky and land right in front of the distortion you need.