How to Prepare for Once Human Season 2 Reset Strategically

Get ready to prepare for Once Human Season 2 reset which starts in September. The new server sign-ups just started and though the anticipation of the server resets caused much anxiety, after going through it, it’s really not that bad; some players just aren’t thinking strategically, which is why they are panicking. The transition to Season 2 is so easy. Here’s everything you need to know about what to do before you switch to a Season 2 server and what to do once you get there.

What is Season 2 All About?

You’ve made it back to the beginning, Meta-Human. Only this time, you know what to do. Season 2 of Once Human takes you back to Dayton Wetlands where you will rediscover and explore the settlements, unlock rift anchors, and progress as you did in Season One. Only this time, to accept quests, you have to discover Leaking Sources, which are remnants of your activities in the reality (Season) you just left. Your progress from the main story isn’t lost and you don’t have to do everything over. The beginning feels more like a recap before the other content is released in September for PVP and October for PVE.

Did you notice in Once Human Season 1 that there was a craftable cold remedy called Healing Tisane? That will come in handy this season because Season 2’s PVE will feature climate-based survival mechanics.

Preparing for Season 2

A lot of people are complaining about the seasonal reset because they don’t quite understand what the reset does. The only things that are really reset during the Once Human seasonal reset are your level (going back to level 1) and your Energy Links. The devs made transitioning into Season 2 fairly easy. Still, I have to say it: Don’t start season 2 without preparing first.

Blueprints and Formulas

Save your Base Blueprints for future use and purchase Furniture Formulas before the season ends. Also, you retain the weapons and gear blueprints from the Wish Machine which will come in handy when you first arrive.

Sign Up for New Scenarios

When you log in (and through the Season Options in-game) you can sign up for the new scenarios at the end of Season 1. PVE servers will continue the Manibus story into season 2 while PVP players will continue Evolution, though, you can choose either type of server. Also, the season 2 PVE servers have both Normal mode servers and Hard Mode servers, so choose wisely.

Item Retention

Your important currencies like Starchrom, Gear Blueprints, and Furniture Formulas will be waiting for you when you transfer. Deviants and items related to Weapons and Armor are automatically sent to Eternaland when you start the new season.

How to Bring Items from Eternaland into Season 2 Inventory

To bring your items from Eternaland into the new season, open your inventory, at the bottom of your inventory, click on the Spacetime Backpack icon, which is the little island tree icon. It will bring up the items that were transferred to Eternaland. Click on the reverse button to allow you to transfer items from Eternaland to your season 2 inventory. Choose wisely. Each item has a price and costs to transfer. Some items cost more than others. Luckily, you do not have to transfer everything at once.

What to Expect When You Enter Season 2

You will be dropped into the beginning area of Dayton Wetlands, just like in season one. You will not have any of the materials you gathered with you.

What to Bring into Season 2 Server

Here’s my advice for what mats you should bring to the new server: follow the steps to get your items from Eternaland to your season 2 server, select only materials to make a weapons bench, gear bench, disassembly bench, mats to craft your two main weapons and gear, and helper deviants to gather mats around your territory. Save the rest until you need it. You will have to unlock the corresponding Memetics based on weekly scenes anyway.

Super Anomaly - Void Morphic Crate

Super Anomaly - Void Morphic Crate

New Deviant Abilities

The mobs are a little harder. For Normal Manibus servers, the mobs and environment are standard with some additional challenges. They’ve introduced Deviant Invasion, which refers to deviants that are super anomalies. There are two types of Super Anomalies: Void and Balance.

Super Anomaly – Void: These anomalies have a shield that grants them immunity to most DMG. You can counter Void deviants with the Cradle Override Anti-Void, Unstable Bomber DMG, Power Surge DMG, or Melee DMG.

Super Anomaly – Balance: Balance anomalies heal over time after taking damage. You can counter Balance deviants with Cradle Override: Anti-Balance, Burn DMG, and Frost Vortex DMG.

Season 2 of Once Human offers a fresh start with exciting challenges and opportunities for seasoned players. As you step into the Dayton Wetlands once again, don’t panic when you look at your inventory. Preparing properly and understanding what you can keep and what you can bring with you will help you in the long run. Most of the frustration players express about the reset comes from not being prepared to strategically select the materials they can bring with them. They feel like they are losing out because they spent so much time gathering materials in season one. In the reality of Once Human, however, strategically selecting materials is as much a part of the game’s survival system as the introduction of Super Anomalies Void and Balance, adding another layer of complexity.

Kiesha Richardson

Kiesha is a blogger and journalist who specializes in video game, tech, and travel content. She’s an avid gamer who has been gaming since Jungle Hunt on Atari; she owns and solo operates GNL Magazine and Blerd Travels, as well as copywriting for small businesses and brands. When she’s not writing or gaming, she’s being harassed by her pups, watching Chinese dramas, or traveling the world.


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