Where to Find Goats in New World and Other FAQ

New World Game is still brand new there’s still lots to figure out as the game gains new players. The biggest thing is figuring out where certain creatures and crafting items are located. And while my experience with other New World players has been mostly positive when asking for help, it’s not the same for everyone.

Also, some people would prefer to Google the answers to questions rather than asking for help. And because this is a new game, new information and helpful guides are popping up all the time. There’s even a player-made, interactive New World Game Map. For many, the interactive map is fairly easy to use. However, there are some who may have specific questions or the map may not be as easy to use. We’re hoping our New World FAQ guide will help fill in some of those gaps where needed.

Where ARe Goats and Sheep in New World

Some creatures are harder to find than others. And though some creatures share a genus, they may not be interchangeable. For example, when you get a Town Hall mission for goats, remember that goats are not interchangeable with rams or sheep. Sometimes, however, sheep and rams are interchangeable. Be warned. Goats, sheep, and rams in the New World game are disrespectful as f*ck. They do this thing where they run away but will come. Even though they don’t hit very hard, if you are near a ledge, they can headbutt you off.


You can find sheep in almost any mountainous area. The best place for low-level players to find sheep, however, is the mountainous area between Monarch’s Bluff and Everfall.


When you get to around level 15 or 20, one of the Town Hall missions will require you to hunt goats. Unfortunately, goats are only in high level areas. Luckily, goats are fairly easy to kill. Look for creatures labeled goats or billy.

Here’s where you can find goats in New World:

  • Great Cleave (Level 41-50)

  • Ebonscale Reach (Level 52-60)

  • Reekwater (Level 58-60)

New World Game FAQ

Here are a few questions I’ve been asked recently as well as have come across while seeking answers to other questions.

Is New World a good MMO?

New World is a fairly decent MMO. It’s a new game so there are still a lot of things that need to be worked out. It’s especially grindy and the main story leaves a tad bit to be desired. Still, it’s enjoyable, especially with friends.

Where can I get fibers for crafting?

You get fibers from harvesting hemp plants. Hemp plants are found throughout grassy lands. But the best place to find hemp plants to harvest fiber is Windsward, around the Iron Rose Shine. Especially just North of Thornhall.

Where can I find ginger for cooking?

Ginger comes from harvesting Herb plants throughout the grasslands and forests of Aeternum. Unfortunately, there’s only a chance that the herb plant will drop ginger. Other herbs that come from the Herb plant include mint, thyme, rosemary, oregano, and tarragon. Though the spices come from herb plants, some spices are more prevalent in specific regions.

Does New World really make you pay taxes?

Yes! Taxes are pretty vital to the upkeep of the settlements.

Is New World like World of Warcraft?

No. Granted, every MMO has certain things that are considered MMO basics. However, New World has more in common with Elder Scrolls Online or Final Fantasy XIV.

Why aren’t there any mounts in New World MMO?

The answer is actually one of the few pieces of lore that piqued my interest. While collecting journal pieces you’ll find that the corruption has turned many animals against humans. Hopefully, the lore will lead us to unlock player mounts down the line, like in other MMOs.

Are people still playing New World?

Yes, lol. The New World community is small but very active. It’s normal for MMORPG players to take breaks and come back to a game.

Kiesha Richardson

Kiesha is a blogger and journalist who specializes in video game, tech, and travel content. She’s an avid gamer who has been gaming since Jungle Hunt on Atari; she owns and solo operates GNL Magazine and Blerd Travels, as well as copywriting for small businesses and brands. When she’s not writing or gaming, she’s being harassed by her pups, watching Chinese dramas, or traveling the world.


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