Let The Kids Play Video Games!


If there is one thing that gets a bad reputation all too often, it's screen time for kids. Parents are constantly told not to allow their children to have extended time on their tablets and on their gaming stations lest their brains melt out of their ears - or something like that. When you let the kids play video games you aid their development.

Gaming often has a worse reputation of all the different screen time options. The reasoning is usually because gaming is attached to neglecting their studying or becoming addicted to it, leading to becoming socially awkward. The thing is gaming is a very normal part of growing up. In the years before digital gaming was a thing, people would spend time with board games, crossword games and more - it's just that now, gaming is online and looks very different than way it used to. It's way better, for a start.

Gaming can be that educational tool that your children are lacking. Think about it: Minecraft helps children to problem solve, create, and build. The Sims teaches children to role play and direct, create new worlds and more. You can bet you'll find FinalBossTV encouraging kids to play games online and for all of the great reasons that we've put together in this article for you.

The Surprising Benefits of Letting Your Kids Play Video Games

There are plenty of benefits for gaming for children and teenagers, and as a parent, all you can do is ensure that you manage the time spent in front of it. You don't have to be strict, just realistic! So, with this in mind, here are all the reasons that you should say yes to gaming.

  • Creativity Skill-Up

We just mentioned a couple of games where your children will learn to better create new things and solve problems. Video games are paramount in the development of the brain for children, and in games like Zelda, children learn to negotiate, search, plan and more to develop their characters. Children have huge imaginations and video games can help them to create and shape worlds in which they are the ones in control. Customization of characters and worlds allows for self-expression that's often hard to come by elsewhere, too.

  • Social Development

It goes without saying that online gaming where children are connected to other users’ needs to be monitored closely, but it's also important to note that some games allow children to pair up with their real-life friends to play. When your kids are online and playing with friends, they are able to develop their social skills and find a common ground. These games create talking points and conversation that move into the school yard when they must, and video games can often lead to introducing more and more people into a new friendship circle, too.

  • History Lessons

Did you know that many of the games out there offer the chance for your children to learn a little something? There are games surrounding pieces of time such as the French Revolution and the Asian Civilization, and there are examples of strategy games about wars of old that feature civilizations that your children can play and win. If you've heard of Assassin's Creed, you'll find that this historical action-adventure game is a great option for learning about the French Revolution, too. Children learn to read maps and they learn culture that they may not be exposed to just yet. The complex language and graphics used can also help them to visualize the times when they are playing.

  • Friendly Competition

You know that children are naturally competitive with their peers, so gaming is going to help them to learn to express it. They will also be able to learn how to be a gracious loser when they don't win. Young kids compete for recognition and status among their peers for their gaming skills. They can fully express their need for competition, and they will get that boost to their confidence that they need sometimes!

  • Chance to Lead

One of the best things about video games is that children have the chance to be leaders. You can really see what their personality traits are when they game. Children may only play a part of one game, but they can teach their friends how to play it, too! Most of the time, kids can use headsets and interact with each other to teach someone else what to do. They can even play with their friends to have a good time and help to guide them - and it's part of the fun!

Understand that video games are not going to melt your child's mind. They are going to enhance the way that they think altogether! Just remember to set time guidelines and monitor for games that display content that may be too violent for their age group.

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