Health and Self Care During Covid-19 Quarantine

There is way too much misinformation floating around about Covid-19 or Coronavirus. Misinformation is incredibly dangerous because it mixes in with and can easily drown out facts that could save lives. So, I talked to my friend, a Navy Veteran and healthcare professional, Lauren DiPietro-Kirkland MSN, RN to help sift through the bullshit so that we can be armed with the facts. Lauren dishes on health and self care during Covid-19 quarantine to better protect ourselves, our family, friends, fellow human beings, and our family animals.

Interview with Lauren DiPietro

Lauren DiPietro-Kirkland, MSN, RN

Lauren DiPietro-Kirkland, MSN, RN

GNL Magazine: Hi Lauren. There’s a lot of misinformation floating out there among the facts. I'm hoping you can help us clear up some of the misconceptions by answering a few questions.

Lauren: I’m ready when you are.

GNL: There are people saying that Covid-19 is just like a seasonal flu or an upper respiratory infection. Can you tell us what Covid-19 is?

Lauren: COVID-19 at first, was deemed to be similar to the Flu by many healthcare professionals. However, it seemed to be quickly discovered that COVID-19 was more similar to when the Spanish flu hit in 1918. Our bodies weren't prepared for it so to speak, since it was such an unusual strain of influenza. COVID-19 is a type of strain from the Coronavirus. The corona viruses have been around for centuries though.

GNL: What are the symptoms of Covid-19 and how is it treated?

Lauren: Symptoms are many, but the main ones to look for are fever, shortness of breath, and cough. Sore throat, fatigue, general malaise, and difficulty breathing are also symptoms.

GNL: When should someone seek medical attention for it?

Lauren: You want to treat the symptoms and quarantine yourself from others for 14 days. You can be sick and show no signs of the illness from 1-14 days though. You want to seek medical attention if you know you were exposed, have trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, or bluish lips or face-- these are the symptoms per the CDC to go seek medical attention for.

Remember if you think you should be tested or think you are displaying sign/symptoms call your PCP (Primary Care Provider) first. Don't just show up.

GNL: If you have to go outside, what type of PPE (personal protective equipment) gear would you recommend?

Lauren: The type of PPE you should use in public is a very hot topic and honestly the only thing that works per the CDC is an N95 mask. However, because those are in such low supply they are kind of grasping at straws to give best ideas (not necessarily best practice).

The new recommendation is a cloth mask (which needs to be kept in a paper bag for 24 hours before you wear it after it has been worn) and gloves. Best practice is to continue to wash your hands with soap and water. Use antibacterial soap. Only use hand sanitizer 3 times before you need to use soap and water again. Wash hands for 20-30 seconds, and remember to get your thumbs and nails too.

Learn how to properly put on and take off gloves if you are using them. If you are around people with Covid or out in the general public, when you return home strip at the door (including shoes) and put your clothes in the washer with hot water when you return home. Change gloves frequently!!! Don't touch your face. If you use a mask make sure you cover your nose and mouth.

GNL: How are you staying protected during Covid-19?

Lauren: I'm staying protected by staying home as we all should. I go out for groceries which I do curbside pick up at Kroger. If they don't have what i need [I run into] to the actual store and while there I don’t wear PPE, but I do use sanitzer as soon as I get back in the car and I wipe down my steering wheel, gear shift, turn signal, door handle, and phone down with a Clorox wipe. I then wash my hands when i get home.

I also don't keep the plastic bags currently. There is a great video put out by a physician on how to properly unload your groceries during this time and I follow that currently.


GNL: How do you practice self care adequately during this quarantine?

Lauren: Self care is going to be different for everyone. However, for me I am doing a gratitude journal daily, writing my goals down for the year daily, taking a few times a day (I have a reminder in my phone) to deep breathe, and I am doing positive affirmations.

I am also taking some time away from social media to get away from the negativity. I turned off the news app on my phone since they love to spread fear and panic. I also take more time to do my usual self care- quiet time and baths and my favorite show at night.

GNL: Is there anything else we should know or be doing? Any words of advice?

Lauren: We should all stop hoarding- it does nothing- literally nothing! We should buy for 2 weeks at a time for all things. Following hand washing, good hygiene, and following current CDC guidelines. STAY HOME!

The sooner we listen and abide by recommendations, the sooner this ends. I don't want people to get the idea that a cloth mask is going to work 100%. This isn't scientifically tested and is giving people a false sense of security. If you look on the CDC website it even says that the N95 mask is the only thing that is approved for this, but that anything at this point being used will be slightly better than nothing. So please don't take one pair of gloves and a mask as a sense of security that all is well and you can run amok outside again.

Doing your best to stay healthy during this time- so eating well and moving your body. Go for a walk or run, but keep 10 feet away from people on the trails/street. Be kind to others, we are all struggling right now. And if you can support local if they deliver, do it! This isn't a battle that can be fought by soldiers, this is a battle that WE have to fight as individuals. So we need to do our part, own it and be accountable for it!

When You Should Go to the ER

Before I could reach out to my friend, Dr. Jedidiah Ballard, D.O. Emergency Room Doctor and Men’s Health Magazine Adviser, he had already posted a video to his Instagram advising when you should visit the ER.

Where to Get an Covid-19 Assessment

Sometimes, in times of need, people will jump at the opportunity to take advantage of others. We saw that when people flocked to buy up all of the toilet paper and hand sanitizer from stores, not for their own need, but to resell at an inflated, ridiculous price. Luckily, companies like Amazon put an end to it quickly and stopped people from reselling items on their platform. Brick and mortar stores began to limit the purchase of certain supplies as well.

Now, there are organizations like Metro Atlanta mega church New Birth Missionary Baptist Church that are trying to sell Covid-19 assessments and tests. New Birth Missionary Baptist Church will charge $25 for an assessment and $150 for testing. The rationale behind the pricing is that the church’s congregation “they don't have access to free testing and private clinics are costly.”

There are free options for free self screenings online. Hims & Hers personal wellness brand offer free self-assessments via their For Hims and For Hers websites and mobile apps.

Kiesha Richardson

Kiesha is a blogger and journalist who specializes in video game, tech, and travel content. She’s an avid gamer who has been gaming since Jungle Hunt on Atari; she owns and solo operates GNL Magazine and Blerd Travels, as well as copywriting for small businesses and brands. When she’s not writing or gaming, she’s being harassed by her pups, watching Chinese dramas, or traveling the world.


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