Content Creator ChibiGoddess7 Chose Racism on the First Day of BHM

It’s February 1, the first day of Black History Month in the United States. Brands and non-Black content creators are scrambling to make the first of their bi-annual “We see you, Black people” posts, and highlight Black voices. While some of these efforts are genuine, there are those who are very performative. With brands and other creators focusing on Black content creators, racists come out of the woodwork to let Black people and the world know their disdain for those with darker hues. Exhibit A: ChibiGoddess7 announced on her Twitter page she “had enough of black people today.” ChibiGoddess, at the time of saying this also has a Black Lives Matter banner as part of her profile.

After the now deleted tweet, ChibiGoddess7 goes on to explain how she was targeted for racism during her childhood. and today her Black neighbor said some awful things to her. In the midst of her explanation she says she thought we could have a dialogue about this. The next logical step was was deleting the tweet and following it up with the predicted apology for “expressing herself”.

Here’s the thing: too often people mistake being held accountable for bad behavior for being bullied. What she said was emphatically wrong. And she was called out for it. She had a shitty day and thought the best course of action was to express her disdain for Black people on Twitter on the first day of Black History Month, then paint herself as a victim for expressing her opinion which is what racists do when they don’t like being called a racist.

ChibiGoddess7 insists she’s not racist but acknowledges that racism is a real problem. But her actions speak to the contrary. It’s also worth noting that she says her father is a correctional officer in Miami and says she and her father are targets of racism for it. It’s well documented that the police and criminal justice systems in the United States are racist systems and too many people working for those systems share racist views toward non-White persons, especially Black and Latinx people. Whether her father shares those views are unknown, but it’s highly probable.

I cannot even count the amount of times someone has tried to justify their racial prejudices to me after being called out on their racism, while insisting they’re not racist. Then, it’s the crying and/or “stop bullying me” when I don’t fall for it. She literally talked about no reason for her neighbor to take his bad day out on her while she took her bad day out on Black people on a social media platform? Okay…

ChibiGoddess7 is the reason Black people, especially in the games industry, are wary of performative allyship. Brands and non-Black people will throw up a Black Lives Matter hashtag and banner on their social media profiles, speak in AAVE, and quote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. all day long while harboring real disdain and even hatred for Black people. It’s exhausting!

There’s no doubt that Asian Americans continue to be targets of racism and harassment throughout the country. However, there was no excuse for ChibiGoddess7’s hateful words. Look, people have bad days. And people get on our fucking nerves. And we have every right to express ourselves. But what we’re not going to do is forget that actions have consequences. And the way she says she was targeted by her neighbor is the way she targeted Black folk on Twitter.

Hopefully, she will learn from this. And if she doesn’t have anything to say, doesn’t know how to defend herself, she should leave the racism to the pros and eat her food. At least they say it with their whole chest.

Kiesha Richardson

Kiesha is a blogger and journalist who specializes in video game, tech, and travel content. She’s an avid gamer who has been gaming since Jungle Hunt on Atari; she owns and solo operates GNL Magazine, as well as copywriting for small businesses and brands. When she’s not writing or gaming, she’s being harassed by her pups, watching Chinese dramas, or traveling the world.

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