There's So Much Beauty in the World of Warcraft
We’re in World of Warcraft’s 15th anniversary. World of Warcraft Classic release date is Tuesday, August 27, 2019, and players who quit WoW are coming back just for Classic WoW. People who have played WoW since Vanilla are on the World of Warcraft forums reminiscing about the good ‘ol days of being brutally murdered by Murlocs in Elwynn Forest, among other things.
Those Murlocs, at the lake… That have like a 2 sec respawn and aggro with a mob of like 5-6 at a time…Died so many times to them…
Old school Azeroth can be a pretty scary and intimidating place. But There are so many beautiful places in Azeroth. All it takes is some exploring.

Just be careful. Unlike later expansions, there is no flying in Classic WoW. The best tip for surviving Classic Azeroth is to do your best to stick to the roads when traveling. This is especially helpful if you will be playing a Night Elf and decide to make the journey from Teldrasil on Kalimdor to Stormwind City in Eastern Kingdoms. For some reason, many, if not most Alliance players who choose Night Elf characters, prefer to quest in Eastern Kingdoms. So, keep in mind that there are there are no portals and there is no boat that goes directly from Darkshore to Stormwind. The Darkshore boat takes you to Wetlands in Eastern Kingdoms. Then, you have to walk on foot, to Ironforge. Be sure to learn the flight paths of each town you visit on your way. Once you get to Ironforge, you’ll take the tram to Stormwind. Yes, this is how you get from the Night Elf starting area to the Stormwind.
But yes, there are so many beautifully scenic places to explore in World of Warcraft. With each of the World ofWarcraft expansions, Blizzard Entertainment’s talented team created some of the eeriest, creepiest and beautiful places in all of gaming.

The latest WoW expansion, Battle for Azeroth, also boasts some gorgeous scenery. Whether you have warmode on or not, exploring some of these places is an absolute must. From the Zandalari troll home of Zulduzar to Queen Azshara’s underwater domain of Nazjatar, these places are stunning. There are very few games like World of Warcraft that would be able to compare visually.
Whether you will be playing World of Warcraft Classic, sticking to Battle for Azeroth, or will be playing both, don’t forget to appreciate the scenery. Do you have a favorite place to chill in Azeroth? Tell us your favorite places in the comments or on Facebook.